How do I link my Mi Band to GoVida?
Mi Bands and Watches can be connected to GoVida via your phone’s activity App (Apple Health or Google Fit) allowing you to earn points from steps and activity.
Click here for How to connect Mi Band to Apple Health (iOS device)
To connect Mi Band to your GoVida on an Android device:
Once you have connected your Mi Band tracker to your Mi Fit app, you will need to configure your Mi Fit app to sync with your Google Fit app. To do this:
- Go to the Mi Fit app and tap Profile > Add accounts > Google Fit > add Google Fit (Fig 1, Fig 2)
- Choose the email address of the Google Fit you have linked to GoVida (Fig 3)
Now we need to link your Google Fit to GoVida. To find out how to link Google Fit to GoVida, please click the link here.