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Lauren Docker, Human Resources Leader at Inspire

Our favourite part of the week is connecting with our amazing customers. Being a part of their journey is an absolute honour. Through collaboration and co-creation we have the opportunity to truly experience value-add outcomes, obtain direct feedback and share creative ideas. Lauren Docker at Inspire talks about her experiences working with our Customer Success team.

Dave Johnston, Customer Success Manager at Enel X

Feedback from our GoVida community is absolutely invaluable, but it is not often what is said to us directly that is the most rewarding aspect, but more often it is just listening to the conversations between members of the GoVida community itself. The by-product, of laughter, interaction, collaboration, sharing of ideas, the uncovering of a passion ….. those are the stories that always leave an impact. Dave Johnston talks to us about how Enel X used GoVida and the outcomes they were looking to drive by the initiative. Dave highlights the various different lens through which you view these outcomes.